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Brainwave Biometric, Brainwave Biometric Authentication System, Brainwave Biometric Authentication, Biometric Authentication System, Brainwave Authentication, Brainware System, Biometric System, Biometric technology

Latest Biometric Authentication Method Uses Brainwaves

Researchers at the Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a new way of biometric authentication process i.e Brainwave Biometric system. This can effectively create a password out of how users respond to a set of 3 images.

The working of Brainwave biometric system depends on “electroencephalography“, which entails the measurement of electrical activity in the brain through dedicated sensors. The researchers fitted a headset with six sensors and designed them in such a way that succession of three images – an animal, a celebrity and a textual phrase – is shown four times in series to trigger a response from users. This helped to set a “brain password“, which enabled authentication system to recognize unique and recurring patterns in each individual’s response to the images.

The Brainwave Biometric Authentication System is tested by the researchers in approx 200 adults and data has been recorded from three sessions. As a result, the researchers found that the brain passwords proved to be 95% effective, with accuracy dropping one per cent over the five months between first trial and last session.

It may point out the way forward to a new means of biometric authentication that, unlike fingerprints and faces, can actually be reset, since the images displayed to users can be changed.

But for the whole authentication process, it requires the use of an electrode-equipped headset and it is an authentication mechanism that could face some obstacles in mainstream adoption and long-term application.


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